"Yes, you KANJI!" is a web application that enables users to learn how to read Japanese from 0 to the highest level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and beyond.

YYK started as the final project for Harvard University's 2022 CS50x course. The initial submission was very bare bones and did not provide any design for mobile devices. YYK was made to provide learners of Japanese an easily accessible collection of radicals, kanji and vocabulary, and some other fun content related to Japan. YYK presents most of its data in a flashcard format. This is not a new idea. However, YYK also connects words and kanji, showing users only words that they can already read. The study progress is saved and the SuperMemo 2 algorithm is used to create reviews using spaced repetition. The only thing the user has to do, is to set the options to their liking, disable unwanted content and start studying. Study items, as well as review items are shown at the appropriate time without the need for the user to assemble anything.

YYK contains all jouyou kanji, jinmeiyou kanji and kanji related to the kanji kentei up to and including the highest level. Besides some kanji that are variations, all kanji come with a stroke order diagram that shows how to write them. The study of radicals is also fully integrated and can be set by the user as necessary. The vocabulary contains words related to the JLPT and thousands of common words. It also contains the most common and popular Japanese names, and higher level content related to jinmeiyou kanji and the kanji kentei. All words come with text-to-speech generated audio.

YYK also contains an overview of grammar likely to appear in the JLPT, complete with construction and example sentences.

Users can see statistics for each course on the relevant page.

For more info, see here.

How can I help?

YYK was created out of love for studying Japanese and the wish to create a free and accessible tool for people to use. Constructive feedback, bug reports and feature requests are very welcome.

If you have any information about additional free data, especially dictionary and kanji data in languages other than English, please leave me a description and a link to the data. You will be credited if the data is used on this site.

Please see here for all contact requests.

If you would like to support the site in other ways, please see here.

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This website uses only essential cookies for website functions, such as the user session and study settings. No personal data, (including IP, username, email address and password) is stored, tracked or handed to third parties.