The update is now live!
Hello! After a long time of working on it, and a slight final delay, the site update is now live! What changed? Well, a lot of small layout changes and tweaks have been made. This is still my first ever website, so I am learning more about design and possibilities, to make things easier to see and use. I have abandoned some prior ideas, that just didn't work very well beyond the initial idea. As a result, many options and menus are now easier and faster to navigate. The entire database has been migrated to a new system, making it easier and safer, and hopefully faster. I opened up all content that does not require user data to be saved. You no longer need an account to access kana, radicals, kanji, vocabulary or prefectures. You can now access a new grammar section, that has many grammar points divided by JLPT level. You can see how the grammar point is structured, what it generally means, and check some example sentences while you're at it. As always, if you spot any incorrect information, please let me know! Unfortunately I will not be adding grammar quizzes, as I had initially planned. Adding the grammar was much more work than I had anticipated and I almost gave up on it. Even if I put an enormous amount of work into adding some quizzes, they won't be to a satisfactory level to help anyone study grammar. The grammar section does not require a user account. You can look at these grammar points at your leisure. I changed a lot of other things under the hood to make everything smoother and easier to fix. I have tested everything extensively. This will probably be my last big update to the site for now, but I will be watching out for the error log and user reports. I will continue to fix and improve things as I see them. Thank you for your patience and good luck in your Japanese language endeavors! Michael

Announcing slight delay to the update
Hello! Yesterday I was all happy to announce the update rolling out today, but I noticed some things that prevented me from taking the necessary steps. I want to make the best site I currently can, so I had to take care of it first. I spent the whole day on it, but it's fixed now. Unfortunately that will push the update to tomorrow or, if work is very busy tomorrow, unfortunately to Monday. My apologies, but fixing everything was way worth it! Michael

Applying the update to the site
Hello! I have been quiet and hunkered down in my cave to work at the update for half a year. Most of that time has been spent on assembling the grammar data to use. It was tough and I almost gave up a couple of times. Tomorrow, Thursday in Japan time, I will take the site offline to apply the update. I have tested it on my end and haven't found any more errors. I will have to adjust the database, but nothing that will affect your study data. Once the necessary changes have been made and the update is applied, I will do another test run and then open the site up for everyone. I will report more about the update after that. Thank you for your patience. Have a nice day. Michael

Todays fixes
- Fixed map type not preserved when changing prefectures in prefecture study - Fixed misaligned text in example modal in kanji list - Fixed pagination not working as intended on news page - Fixed form toggle button not working on grammar page - Temporarily fixed some radical variations showing up as ? by removing the specific character. It is working on my end but not on the site. Will consult my provider to see if something can be done. The same goes for the ateji reading of Jakarta. - Fixed other words and kanji that were displaying with ? - Fixed search options overflowing on search page - Fixed Error 500 when clicking on "More" after searching for radicals, kanji and words

The grammar update & other fixes
- Fixed JLPT data not showing correctly in statistics - Fixed example sentences pointing at incorrect words - Removed account requirements for kana, radicals, kanji, vocabulary, prefectures, grammar and the dictionary - Removed images that served as buttons in favor of actual buttons - Removed help images in favor of help collapses / modals - Removed Twitter integration for quiz results - Added grammar content - Migrated database from MySQLdb to SQLAlchemy - Overhauled almost all underlying files - Added Mt. Iwate for all to enjoy

Todays fixes
- Fixed unresponsive buttons on vocabulary items without any example sentences in dictionary view - Added sentence authors to all sentences in dictionary view for vocabulary items to comply with license requirements that were previously overlooked

The sentence update & Error fixes
- fixed error that would prevent the jouyou course page from being loaded - fixed error that would prevent the kanken course page from being loaded - added example sentences to word study, word review, and dictionary

Todays fixes
- Fixed oversight in help function that would throw a 500 error when trying to access an invalid help page - Fixed error that would appear when users entered the wrong password upon login